Memory Training

30 Day Experiment: Memorize a Deck of Cards

30 Day Experiment: Memorize a Deck of Cards

No, I did not do this for the reason you think I might be doing it! I don't even know how to play Texas Hold 'em so, let's just quell that idea right off... My goal was to simply see if I could, after 30 days of preparing, be able to memorize an entire shuffled deck of 52 cards in the exact order that I flipped them. I did give myself a few rules to follow as I made the attempt:

30 Day Experiment: 8 Hours of Sleep a Day

30 Day Experiment: 8 Hours of Sleep a Day

Sometimes, in life, you just have to take one for the team... Well, being the team player I am and because I care about my readers I decided take this challenge head on!! Now, no one could blame me for sleeping on the job! Oh, the things I do for you all... So, when deciding to become a mini Rip Van Winkle I had to determine what the most accurate amount of hours were adequate for me considering my age and level of health.