Music has an unbelievable power to inspire and motivate us. We have all had moments in our life when a song has picked us up off the ground and got us back into the game or at times has taken us from good to great in business, family or personal lives.
Two Certainties: Life Lessons from My Parents
Roll Out the MAT System
The other day I was forwarded a wonderful question as a result of a recent phone call that I felt was appropriate to address in a post. It is my hope that this will be beneficial and provide some insight to all who read this:
“…how can we stay positive when we are around negative people, (specifically) family members and/or co-workers?”
Have An Inspiring Life Everyday - Part III
Saving the best post for laugh. No, this is not a typo In Part 1 of this Inspiring Life series we discussed 3 Steps to an Inspiring Life, and in Part 2 we covered how we coach ourselves utilizing our Internal Coaching System (ICS). In this last part we dive into what it means to Fill your Daily Laugh Quotient.
Have An Inspiring Life Everyday - Part II
In Part I: 3 Steps to An Inspiring Life I touched on what I like to refer as our Internal Coaching System. First of all, each of us has our own ICS. Think of it as an internal GPS System that helps us to move in the right direction, when we listen to it. Some call it intuition, others call it a gut-feeling. However you personally define it, the fact is when we have our ICS working at full capacity, life seems to be much easier and enjoyable....
Have An Inspiring Life Everyday - Part I
How many of us have got to the end of a week, month or year and had the feeling Man, where did the time go? Or, you even had the thought Time sure does fly by when youre having fun? Well, Ed Cooke, considered a Grand Master of Memory according to World Memory Championship has an interesting take on the passage of time that I personally love....
Go Forth and Fail - From Setback to Success
How is it that the most successful people have gotten to where they are? Is it because they are smarter or more talented then we are? Do they experience success because they have more money? Maybe it is because they are better looking or they are just plain lucky? The stars always seem to line up for them?
I would suggest that the answer to that is a resounding NO!...
Laughter IS the Best Medicine
I believe laughter truly is the best medicine. Uncle Albert says it perfectly in Mary Poppins when he sings, “The more I laugh the more I fill with glee, and the more the glee the more I’m a merrier me.” Yeah, okay, I realize that’s silly but it’s true. I mean laughter makes you happy or at least it makes you happier than if you’re not laughing....
Using Sales Self-Talk to Your Advantage
We are going to discuss sales self-talk or what I like to refer to as our internal coaching system. You know, what we say to ourselves has a powerful impact; not only in our business but our personal lives as well. It is pretty amazing, but we have the ability to mentally program ourselves to either succeed or fail based on the thoughts that we put into our head on a daily basis.
Breathe Your Fears Away
30 Day Experiment: A Salad a Day (Revisited)
For my next installment of my 30 Day Experiment I chose to eat a salad every day for the entire month of April. I am not sure about you all, but for me, the thought of eating "rabbit food" everyday was a daunting task considering my propensity for foods consisting of meats and breads (ie: pizza, burgers, sandwiches etc...), where the only vegetables I ate with regularity were tomatoes and potatoes in the form of ketchup and french fries.
30 Day Experiment: Love Letter to Myself
How do I love me? Let me count the ways.... I must admit that I, advocate for personal development and admirer of most things touchy-feely, at first felt a little narcissistic at the idea of taking time each evening to write a love letter to myself extolling my sometimes many accomplishments for the day. And to think I was going to commit an entire month to this practice. What an exercise in egoism, right?